Things to think about before drilling a bore for your farm

Having a bore drilled on your farm can come with a lot of advantages. You'll have access to multiple water sources, meaning you can save money by using more of the bore water than the water provided in your pipes. It's also a major advantage in times of drought, as you will have your own water that isn't a subject under government regulations. However, before you get bore drilling performed on your property, there are a few things you should think about in order to get the most out of installing a groundwater bore.


One of the first things you need to find out is how the conditions look like underground where you want to drill your bore. If you have confirmed the existence of an aquifer and have had the water tested to make sure you can use it you still need to know what type of aquifer it is. To find this out, you need to hire professionals that can scan the ground for you. A solid rock aquifer will most likely not contain enough groundwater to fulfil all water needs you have for your farm, but can still be appropriate for a smaller facility or a home. A fractured rock aquifer is much more appropriate if you wish to fill the water supply for a large agricultural facility.


Before the actual bore drilling starts, you need to evaluate how high of capacity you want your bore to be capable of working on. You need to do this in this early state as the size of the borehole determines how large of a pump you can use. As the size of the pump decides how much water your bore will be able to produce, this is something that you need to have decided beforehand. After you have established how much water you actually have in the aquifer, ask the bore drilling company for advice on an appropriate pump, and plan to have a bore drilled accordingly.


You should also think about what casing you want to use for your borehole before the actual drilling starts, as different casings are different in thickness and can affect how much space you get for the water. The most common casing is concrete, as it's free of contaminants while also being thick enough to keep dirt and substances from the surrounding soil out of the bore. You could also opt for a metal casing, as it's even better to keep surrounding contaminants out simply by being a less porous material. Just make sure that your water isn't too rich on minerals before opting for this casing. Everything but chemically neutral water can react with the metal and either destroy the casing or lower the water quality.
